Football pitch from an angle pitch hire

terms and
conditions of hire

Pitch hire terms and conditions


  • Each hirer of a pitch or pitches from the Foundation shall where possible and at the sole discretion of the Foundation, have the use of the same pitch or pitches throughout the season.
  • The right to use any pitch on the Foundation’s grounds under the terms of this Licence shall not be underlet, sublet, or otherwise assigned to any other party without prior consultation with and written permission from the Foundation, and any monies taken in respect of any such re-assignment shall be payable forthwith to the Foundation. In the event that a team wishes to apply for permission to assign a pitch to another club then the Foundation will require the name of the club and contact details of the proposed “home club” team at least seven days before the proposed date of use and the “home club” have to provide signed agreement to these Conditions of Licence prior to the proposed date of use.
  • Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Foundation, hiring fees are due for payment in full on the dates shown on the Hiring Licence and Invoice and the Foundation retains the legal possession of all pitches and reserves the right to withdraw permission to use any of the Foundation’s pitches if monies due under the terms of this Licence remain unpaid two weeks after the due date. Payment of monies in respect of hiring fees shall be made direct to the Head Office of the Foundation.
  • The Foundation’s Head Groundsman and other members of staff are not authorised to allow play on any of the Foundation’s grounds at any time unless a booking has been properly made with the Booking Officer at Head Office of the Foundation and the financial obligations properly and promptly met.
  • In the event that any hiring fees or financial inducements are offered to any member of the Foundation’s staff in respect of pitch hiring, the Hiring Licence shall be rendered null and void and the offending hirer will be barred immediately from the use of any of the Foundation’s grounds.
  • Pitches shall be prepared and maintained by the groundstaff appointed by the Foundation who shall have full authority, in consultation with the Operations Manager, to decide upon the fitness of a ground for play and the allocation of pitches, the terms of Condition 1 above notwithstanding.  Such decisions shall be final and binding.
  • In the event that a match is called off by the Foundation, due to the ground being unfit for play, the Foundation’s Booking Officer will liaise with the hirer to identify an alternative date within the season, subject to availability. There is no right of refund for matches cancelled if an alternative date cannot be identified.
  • The hirer and appointed match official(s) are responsible for assessing the fitness of a particular pitch, goalposts etc to suit the level of play once a ground is deemed fit for general play by the Foundation. The Foundation does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for injury caused by pitch or goalpost condition etc relating to use of its grounds.
  • Pitch hiring dates allocated to clubs, teams, competitions or individuals may not be changed or varied in any way without permission of the Foundation. Hiring fees already paid or due or overdue to be paid will not be subject to refund or waiver in the event that a hirer does not utilise their allocation.
  • A pitch may only be used for the normal period of time in respect of the match being played and for the purpose the pitch is hired (including legitimate periods of added or extra time) unless prior permission has been obtained from the Foundation’s Booking Officer. General practice or casual play of any description on match pitches is prohibited.
  • No person shall enter or leave the Foundation’s grounds except by the authorised entrances and exits. Motor vehicles must be parked in the car parking areas and must not be driven or parked on any part of the playing or grass areas of the Foundation’s grounds except as directed by the Foundation’s groundstaff.
  • Each hirer will follow the procedures for allocation of changing rooms, deposit for keys, return of keys etc relating to use of facilities at each of the Foundation’s grounds. Non-return of changing room key on the day of hiring will result in forfeit of the key deposit and may result in an additional charge to cover replacement of the lock to enable security to be maintained.
  • Each hirer shall be liable for all damage done or occasioned by the fault or neglect of any member of such club, team or competition, and the hirer shall be financially responsible for their supporters, followers, officials and others and for their opponents, their supporters, officials and others. The decision of the Foundation as to the assessment of the damage and the cost thereof to the responsible hirer shall be final.
  • Changing rooms shall be left clean and tidy at the end of each use. Hirers should report unclean changing rooms or damage to fixtures and fittings to Foundation groundstaff before using them. This is very important as it protects each hirer from accusations of damage or misuse caused by others. In particular there is no need for boots to be cleaned in showers or basins, or by banging them against the walls etc in changing rooms or any other part of the facilities or ground.
  • Persistent or gross misuse of changing rooms or other facilities may result in sanctions being imposed on offenders up to and including termination of Hiring Licence
  • The Foundation does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any article lost, stolen or damaged on the Foundation’s grounds, including all forms of vehicular conveyance, which shall be parked at the driver’s/owner’s risk.
  • Dogs or other animals are not allowed on the Foundation’s grounds, except for assistance dogs which are to be under the full control of the owner/handler at all times.
  • These Terms of Condition of Pitch Hire must be observed and carried out at all times and no variations will be permitted without the written consent of the Operations Manager. In the event of any instance of flouting or breach of these Conditions the Foundation reserves the right to terminate the Hiring Licence forthwith and ignorance of the terms of these Conditions will not be accepted in explanation.
  • The Foundation reserves the right to terminate any Licence by giving prior written notice of one calendar month to the licensee concerned, with pro-rata refund of hiring fees.

For and on behalf of London Playing Fields Foundation

June 2024